Why SEO Companies Don’t Tell You The Truth

What’s more frustrating than not knowing how to get traffic to your website?

When a so-called SEO expert confuses you about how Search Engine Optimization works.

Many business owners who have met with an SEO company or expert have grown exasperated by the process. How do I know that? Because I’ve acquired clients who had bad SEO experiences in the past.

Why does SEO have to be so confusing? Why do some SEO companies make it so hard to understand what they’re doing? Who do some SEO experts conceal the truth about the practice of Search Engine Optimization?

SEO As “Magic Marketing”

Experts like to be seen as indispensable. If an expert is a genius who knows something you can’t possibly know, who has a skill you can’t possibly learn, he or she is more valuable.

Over the years, Search Engine Optimization has become a tactic that has been shrouded in myth and mystery.

But that’s hogwash.

SEO isn’t “magic.” And SEO doesn’t have to be a secret.

  • Good SEO follows best practices and adjusts to the environment of search engine algorithms and performance.
  • Good SEO is a blend of proactive and reactive strategies that can be learned and illustrated.
  • Good SEO can be measured for effectiveness.
  • Good SEO can be taught.
  • Any business owner can learn what SEO is and how it can help their business.

If your SEO company or expert is concealing their SEO tactics, beware. Here are some of the things some SEO professionals do to confuse their clients:

  • Use jargon
  • Blame the search engines
  • Convince you that it takes a long time
  • Promise results that are unrealistic
  • Tell you that it’s difficult to quantify SEO investment

Is your SEO specialist doing any of these things? Do you have any idea what your SEO company is doing for you? Do they show you their work and deliver reports so you can see the results? Does your SEO expert communicate with you and make efforts to advance your SEO strategy?

If you’re frustrated with your SEO, please contact me at Boone Digital. I’d like to help you understand SEO and stop losing money with cryptic SEO strategies.


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